[VIDEO Interview] Learn the Keys to Powerful Social Media Marketing

Are you feeling stuck on social media, and positioning yourself as the Go-To-Expert in your field?

Not sure how to create content that will get people to like, share, retweet, and most importantly grow your audience?

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Hold the Vision of Your Best Future

paradiseThis one’s goin’ on my vision board – yup, I have one! And why not? Why not focus on what you want and not on what you don’t want? Why not take a chance that the law of attraction might just work – and that maybe that which you seek is also seeking you?!

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Focus on What Could Go Right

focus-on-whats-going-rightThe more you focus on what’s possible, the less time and energy you waste on fear and false beliefs. Because if you’re honest with yourself, you’d have to admit that 99% of the things you fear might happen, never do.

And those that do are essential challenges you were meant to face, to grow you into the person you know you can be.

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[VIDEO] The NEW Expert Interview Series – Coach Saidy Bayron!

“Don’t eat the cake! Keep moving!” 

If you’ve ever heard that voice in your head telling you not to eat the cake, to stick to your health and fitness plan – well that strong, tough-lovin’ inspiring voice belongs to Coach Saidy. She is a fitness expert that started her own transformation from being out of shape to embracing boxing, and finally co-founding Lifestyle Advocates a little more than a year ago.

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You’ve Come So Far

focus-on-how-far-youve-comeFocusing on your progress keeps you positive, builds momentum, and reminds you that you have it within you to keep going.

So think about how far you’ve come, how much you’ve sacrificed, and how blessed you’ve been to get as far as you’ve gotten.

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How to (Finally) Find Your Purpose in Life!

THE-PURPOSE-OF-LIFEI was asked by a client recently “How do I know what I’m supposed to do with my life?” Yup, this is the eternal question we humans all struggle with at some point in our lives. Sure, some know immediately, it falls on their lap when they’re not even looking for it. But most of us need a little help and guidance to define our purpose.

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Not sure on your career path? Know THIS and the rest will fall into place

start with WHYWho, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

I use these simple Question starters to get people to think about their career goals all the time. For example, you want to become a doctor, a scientist, a lawyer, a business owner – in most cases you’re going to need higher level degrees. But graduate schools only provide the What (what to know) and How (how to do it) piece of the puzzle.

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What’s Your Passion? Your Purpose?

passionMy dad recently mentioned in passing how when I was young, people were always coming to me for guidance…I was kind of shocked. I had forgotten how long I’ve been helping others figure things out.

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Going Through a Transition? Be Thankful!

be thankful

















Be thankful…no matter where you are in life’s up and down transitions

You’re there because you need to be there.
You’re there because you have something to learn and something to reflect on and appreciate.
And most importantly, if you’re in flux, it’s because you’re ready to grow, to become something you weren’t – so thank Life, God, the Universe for the opportunity.

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speed-mattersAs a value creator (and yes, that’s what you need to sell yourself as, to your clients or potential employers) you need to not only sell yourself or your solution, as effective, but also FAST!

This is a huge differentiator you can leverage over the competition – not by just saying your fast but by showing it, in your resume, on your website, in your sales pitch!

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